The Smart Network for Business

The Smart Network for Business members have the unique opportunity to pay for advertising without tapping into their cash accounts. The following tips come from the four corners of the globe, and the TF Media Department. Before advertising becomes an idea and grows into a program, you have to master the basics.

What Is The Role Of Advertising?
Advertising will reinforce branding and drive traffic to your door. It will not solve problems with product quality, pricing, or service. Advertising creates more traffic. Examine sales closely surrounding the advertising campaign period. If the results are stale, but prospects increased then survey-purchasing decisions.

Identify What Makes You Unique
You think your business is the best thing since sliced bread, but what makes a potential buyer choose you over the competition?

Define A Typical Customer
Are they a distinct segment of the market due to gender, lifestyle, age, nationality, income, or education? Develop a clear understanding of your target market. Focus on advertising methods that penetrate or blanket the “typical” customer.

Have A Plan
A long-term marketing plan allows you to develop specific promotional periods and events. A business should set guidelines, budgets, parameters, map out artwork, deadlines, and assemble broadcast materials on a monthly and annual basis. Opportunities lost by administrative or planning shortfalls will affect your profitability.

Set Expectations
Name recognition and a buyer’s decision to act are related to frequency & visibility. Even if you stage a “Going Out-of-Business Sale”, expecting customers to line up after briefly running a small ad is unrealistic.

Investigate Co-Op Advertising Options
Many suppliers have co-op programs in place that help offset your advertising expenses. These programs typically have a shelf life. If not used within a given period they expire.

Advertise To The Customer’s Interests
It is a dangerous practice for business owners to advertise in vehicles they like personally. Instead, consider areas where current customers and potential new markets have a real interest.

Utilize More Than One Medium
One form of advertising compliments another, and reinforces your message while increasing the number of people you reach. Consider running a cable schedule with newspaper support or a radio schedule along with a direct mail campaign.

Rely On Help From The Experts
Sometimes the decision to handle marketing and advertising yourself is not the wisest. Consider the assistance from experts: Marketing Consultants, Public Relation Firms, Graphic Design Companies, and the Media Department.

The role of the Media Department is to help you establish new advertising relationships, to define or expand your existing campaigns. We are not here to replace current cash relationships and our assistance is based on media clearance and availability.