The Smart Network for Business

The Smart Network for Business

Combat Inflation With TradeFirst

battle against inflation

Inflation, inflation, inflation. We hear about it on the news, at the bar, and from family and friends, too. How do we escape it?  As business owners and consumers, we see sky-high prices when we fill our tanks at the fuel pump and buy groceries at the market. With the price of goods and services […]

Invest In Your Business With A TradeFirst Line of Credit

LINES of CREDIT are a great way to meet your ongoing business needs.  But with interest rates high and payback usually requiring cash (and lots of it).  Credit lines are problematic, right? But — what if you could get credit on TRADE?  And not have to deplete cash reserves to pay it back? It’s like […]

Advertising & Marketing Without Cash members have the unique opportunity to pay for advertising without tapping into their cash accounts. The following tips come from the four corners of the globe, and the TF Media Department. Before advertising becomes an idea and grows into a program, you have to master the basics. What Is The Role Of Advertising?Advertising will […]

How Small Businesses Benefit by Barter

Many small business owners just assume that they need cash resources to meet their goals. After all, they say that “Cash is King.” However, the truth is that small businesses need relationships with other new businesses to grow. This way, they can trade services instead of cash, and all parties benefit by growing faster and […]

What Can My Company Do With Trade Dollars?

At TradeFirst, we are always happy to answer questions about our company, our community, and our services. And business owners often want to know about trade dollars. What are they, and what can they do with them? In business-to-business trading, successful business owners within our community sell goods and services to each other and provide […]

Successful Business Owners

TradeFirst wants you to join our community so that you can team up with like-minded business owners and enjoy the benefits of business to business bartering. There are over 10,000 card-carrying members within our network – in Michigan, Ohio, and in Florida/the Caribbean. So, whether you are interested in local trade or bartering on a […]

Trade Your Excess – ANYTHING – Through TradeFirst

TradeFirst has a serious question to ask business owners: Why spend your cash when you can trade for necessary items, services, and travel expenses? Our community exchange offers business owners the opportunity to connect with thousands of other companies throughout several states, and in the Caribbean. In fact, 60% of everyday expenses can be purchased through our […]

Trade and Exchange

Over 10,000 card-carrying members of TradeFirst benefit from trade & exchange every day. They experience faster business growth, gain access to new clients through networking, and continue to successfully expand despite the big box retailers and e-commerce mega sites (Amazon!). TradeFirst has been setting the industry standard for barter since 1978 in Michigan, Ohio, and […]